Only changes in value added tax, various excise taxes or taxes on earned and capital income can make a real difference. 只有调整增值税、各种特许权税或劳动所得税或资本收益税,才会真正起作用。
The average annual per capital income is 10,000 yuan. 年人均收入是一万元。
To Guizhou Province State-owned Capital Income Management Several Ponders 对贵州省国有资本收益管理的几点思考
Traffic revenue reduces the capital income net of tax, which also reduces resident's income and expenditure except that of government. 交通非税收入降低了资本要素净收益,居民收入支出减少和政府收入支出的增加。
Declines on tax rates for capital income have been smaller than those for labour income, not least because tax rates were lower before the1980s. 资本收益与劳务收入的税率相比降幅较少,这部分是因为80年代以前的税率都很低。
A low or zero rate of tax on corporate and capital income may simply encourage top earners to change how they take their compensation. 对企业所得和资本所得实行低税率或者免税,可能只会鼓励高收入者改变他们获取薪金的方式。
A global marketer selling consumers goods also must consider what the average per capital income is among a nation's consumers and how the income is distributed. 在全球销售消费品的经营者必须考虑一国消费者的人均收入以及收入如何分配。
Since capital is an input to future growth, taxation of capital income can reduce investment and distort production over time. 既然资本是未来经济增长的一种投入方式,对资本收入征税终会造成投资减少,生产扭曲。
Changes in taxes on capital income also generate bigger responses than changes on labour income. 与劳动收入税率相比,资本收益税率的变动会引起更大的反应。
Fund managers earn a share of profits as compensation, which is treated as capital income for tax purposes. 基金管理人抽取一部分收益作为佣金,这部分出于缴税考虑会被视为资本收入。
However, there are no provisions to correct for inflation's effect on the taxation of capital income. 但是,没有什么条款能够矫正通货膨胀对资本课税的影响。
The dividends from State-owned listed companies are important sources of State-owned capital income. 分红收益是国有资本收益的重要来源。
For the Capital income tax rate, no matter in short-term or in long-term, it has a negative effect on investment rate and economic growth, so is the accumulated effect. 对资本收入征税,无论在短期还是长期都不利于投资率和经济增长率的提高,长期累积效应为负。
Chinese Athletes 'Human Capital Income Structure and Distribution Model 我国运动员人力资本收益结构与分配模式研究
Workers on lower wages consume much of their income, while higher wage earners and those with capital income are more likely to save. 低薪工作人群的大部分收入会用于消费,而高薪工作人群和有资本收入的人更倾向于储蓄。
Venture capital income expected model and application 风险投资收益期望值模型与应用
This paper analyzes how inequality of labor and capital income influences persistent inequality in total income or wealth through the inheritance mechanism. 本文讨论了当个人劳动能力和偏好存在差异的情况下,资本收入和劳动收入分配的差异如何通过遗产机制影响收入和财富分配的持续性不平等程度。
Family income consists of labor income, capital income and transferred income. 职工家庭收入由劳动收入、资本收入及转移收入三部分构成。
Capital income has several types of way and nature, and it should not be called exploitation. 资本收入有多种形式和性质,不宜再用“剥削”。
Thirdly, the increase of agriculture output, non-land capital income and rural residents ′ income mainly depend on factors income of unskilled persons; 第三,农业产出、土地外资本收入和农村居民收入的提高对非技术人员要素收入的依赖性较强;
Therefore, although under the condition that cash dividends income tax rate exceeds the capital income tax rate, overseas enterprises still grant a great deal of cash dividends and adopt steady policy. 因此,即使在现金股利所得税率高于资本所得税率情况下,国外公司仍然每年派发大量的现金股利,实行稳定的现金股利政策。
This dissertation obtains optimal taxation policy of capital income for small open economy and large economy by solving equilibrium tax rates. 通过均衡税率求解,本文得到了小型经济与大国的最优资本所得税收政策。
With the reform and opening up, the national economy and per capital income grew rapidly. Chinese catering industry leaded in that period. 随着改革开放带来的国民经济的迅速腾飞和人均收入的稳步增长,我国的餐饮业迎来了高速发展期。
The Studies on the Rural Finance Development and its working mechanism were of great significance of theories and practice, especially on the rural economic increasing as well as rural per capital income increasing. 农村金融发展状况及其作用机制的研究,对于农村经济发展和提高农村人均收入水平具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。
Under the perfect condition, the optimal capital income tax should be zero. 在均衡经济的情况下,最优资本收入税可能为零。
This dissertation studies capital income taxation under international tax competition with the consideration of actual capital income taxation system. 本文结合世界资本所得的实际课税政策,研究了国际税收竞争下的资本所得课税问题。
The paper clears the concept of capital gains tax, and different capital gains tax from capital income tax. 本文明确了资本利得税概念,并对资本利得税与资本所得税做出区分。
With the characteristics of government leading, managing and benefited, marketization of urban public resources has yielded a great amount of capital income, and has been supporting the governmental urban construction and development greatly. 以政府主导,政府经营,政府收益为主要的特征的城市公共资源市场化运作产生了大量的货币收益,并极大地支持了政府城市的建设和发展投入。
The impact of a carbon tax on labor income and capital income analysis, the carbon tax levied on capital income is much larger than the impact of labor income. 征收碳税对劳动收入和资本收入的影响分析,碳排放税的征收对资本收入的影响远远大于对劳动收入的影响。